just awsome
just awsome
its so damn great but a little to hard
great but one thing is wrong
zombies are usualy dumb as hell so how cann they operate guns
pure awsomeness
it kicks so much ass its so awsome ive w8ed for this since like third grade i love this game make a third plzzz all ur fans will be so greatfull
it is....awsome
it is great i like the new features such as the boom thingy running over people it a great remix overall
how do u get flash?
i have been using a stick figuer animaty thingy i hate it plzz tell me how to get flash
wierd glitch
i got 562 cm oh and there should be one with a score comparing thingy
lol i got -14 wow i suck
kick ass
it is awsome but u should make one with a ecalator
Joined on 8/11/07